I did one of Celine too!
Thank goodness we all grew up, though! And now that I'm renewing old friendships, and strengthening present ones, I can be thankful for the face that we all DO grow up, and become amazing adults! (Well, in most of our cases that is!)
Split ends...
This is the word that comes to mind when I look at this picture I took of Brian today...
He's changed his mind about his costume and has decided to go as a "girl". He's the first of the boys brave enough to don this costume. It's really a Dolly Parton costume that I made for Monica years ago. I don't think that he'll be wearing the um, girl parts, though. I don't need to be having any "conversations" with him about the differences between girls and boys. I just don't.
Speaking of changes! Celine is "City Gates"!! She's lost her two front teeth! It's a mile stone to be sure! I'm so proud of her! J/k! But she is pretty darn cute!!! Here she is in all her toothless glory!...
Well, I have to be going! Off to Adoration with the Youth Group. If ya wanna hear more about that little escapade then you'll have to check out the other blog. <------ THAT'S RIGHT! I said other blog!!! It's a secret project I started. It's a bit more serious and on the spiritual side of life. It's called "A Scent of Grace". Go check it out, (there's a link to it in the sidebar on the left) and leave me some comments. (Yes, Katie! ONE MORE thing for you to "follow". Suck it up, woman! Your the wifey of an American Soldier! You can handle this!!!)
Until next blog...
God bless and be good!
PS . The last two pictures were taken on my iPhone! ;)
PSS. I do NOT need a life, Mother! I already have a very full life! Thank you VERY much! (Thanks to FB, Twitter, my TWO blogs, my MAC, and my iPhone! What more could a girl want?)
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