Thursday, January 13, 2011

A New Year, A New Beginning

When I started this blog, years ago, my munchkins were little bits and doing all kinds of adorable, little bit things. Time has passed, the munchkins have grown up into bigger, noisier (if you can believe it) munchkins, and time seems to be almost nonexistent. And this blog has suffered for it. My failure to post is not for lack of material. Believe me, and recently I've been reminded why I started this blog in the first place.

The kids, the younger ones especially, have discovered the posts of "Super Nanney Past", and have taken up reading and rereading them, and quoting them, (Imagine my horror!) and saying, "Remember when you blogged about that one time when I did that really funny thing?" Ugh! You're kidding me, right? But My favorite was when it was requested that I go back to updating. I think the exact words were, "Why don't you ever blog about us anymore? We're much funnier now than we were then!" Seriously? Think much of ourselves, do we?

So, I've been guilt tripped into blogging again. Not that I have any delusions that anyone reads this blog anymore, except for the kids featured. How ironic. But I never wrote for the readership. This was always a means to chronicle some of the funnier moments I live every day.

The good news is that the funny moments of everyday life still happen around me. And in spades. I have a plethora of material at my fingertips! And with my fancy, schmancy iPhone, blogging is easier than ever.

I bring you exhibit A. The following is a video of the two youngest pretending to be a "Bop It" toy. If you don't know what this then by all means, Google it! (I'd like to point out the two "cool dudes" in the background. They couldn't bother to participate, but couldn't stand to not be included. *waves* Hey, guys! I know you're reading this!) You'd think with all the toys they just received at Christmas they'd be able to find something to occupy themselves with. But, no.

Until next time!

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