Thursday, February 28, 2008

One last note on the Buble Concert (Get it? NOTE?!)

One last note on the Buble concert. Tuesday, Kaleigh came over and brought her camera with her. She, too went to the show and had great seats, very similar to ours. Her friend, Tara, however was down on the FLOOR in the 4th row! Kaleigh had given Tara her camera to take pictures for her. These pictures are AMAZING!! I had to share a few of my favorites that she took:

OK, so I'll lay off the Buble for now. Well, probably not, but I will sincerely try to shut-up about the whole thing. I know that my roomie will greatly appreciate any effort I might make towards ending my unnatural, incessant focus on this man. She told me the other night, "I just don't get it." She has no idea what she's missing!

Be good and God bless!

P.S. I apologize for the terrible pun in this post's title! What can I say? I'm hopeless!

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