Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Back to basics...

Before I begin, I feel the need to share with you all that I am writing this post on my NEW MAC!  I'm in love.  I have a few things to figure out still, but it's like riding a bike, it all comes back to you eventually!  Here's a picture ( or two) of my new love!

Well, here we are.  How is it that we already find ourselves in AUGUST???  Yesterday we started back to school.  Last week was one of planning and organizing to get ready for this year.  The kids had mixed feelings about school starting up again,  but by Friday, they were more than ready to be back in the classroom.  

Even with just one day back in the classroom, I have already amassed some funny kids sayings!  I'm beginning to think it has something to do with this room.  Maybe it's just the fact that we are in such close quarters for an extended amount of time.  Otherwise they'd be spread out all over the house, saying their funny little things and no one to hear them!

I can't remember if I've told yous guys about the bog that my sister started.  If so, then skip down to the next paragraph, otherwise keep reading!  My favorite (my ONLY) sister has started her own blog.  Her husband is in the National Guard and is presently away at training.  She started her blog in order to keep him up to date on the goings on back at home.  Isn't there a saying that claims: " Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery"?  Well if that is true then I am wholly flattered!  Not only has she decided to follow in my "blog steps", but she designed her blog to look VERY similar to my own!  She always did want everything I had!  I thought that she might have grown out of that, but apparently not.  LOL!  I'm only kidding, of course.  I am so happy that she's blogging.  She's a pretty sharp cookie, and has some funny stories to share of her own.  I'll post a link to her blog along the side of my posts, in case you want to check it out.

Um- I think I need to clarify a few things here.  It seems that my last post had some interesting responses.  Just so we all understand, the whole thing about me being "desperate" was a JOKE!  Neither Meghan nor myself are desperate in any way shape or form!  While we deeply desire to be married and have families, we know that God has us in this place at this time for a reason.  We also know that our desire is strong because it comes from Him, and that He will fulfill that desire in His time.   So, in closing- we do want hubbies, but we're not chomping at the bit for them.  Ok- I am, kinda.  Not really.  Ha!  Ha!

Finally, I will tempt you with a bit of whit I have planned for the next post.  With all the goofiness flying around here, that has to be the subject of my next entry.  So here's a taste of the madness:

We recently went to a movie, and there was a  poster for the new "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, 2" movie.  On it the girls are all dressed very smartly, all in very cute dresses.  Grant, quite randomly, I must add, blurts out as we walk by, "Why is it even called "Pants" if they aren't wearing any?"  That is the question of all questions, Grant.  "Why?", indeed!

Be good and God bless!

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