Monday, March 17, 2008

Wishin' Ye all A Happy St. Patty's Day!

Wishin' all ye laddies and lassies a
Happy St. Patty's Day!!

Today was a bittersweet day. A dear friend of the family was laid to rest today, Rosemary Ann Aeschbach. She was a feisty lady, with a heart of gold! Mimi, as she was called by those close to her, loved all things Irish, and so it was fitting that she be memorialised on this day that she so cherished. She is survived by her two daughters- Lisa and Lori, and her three grand children-Johny, Jacob, and Tess, and finally her precious Great-grand daughter-Caroline. It was a day of remembering the love and spirit of a wonderful soul, where friends gathered from far and wide to celebrate the life she lived. We love you, Mimi, and you are missed! Pray for us!!!

Even though today was tinted with sadness, there was much merriment as well! The kids have been anxiously awaiting this day, though I'm not sure why. They aren't Irish, but you might have thought so by the excitement level around here. They were vigilant in their quest to find some poor soul not wearing green, in the hopes that they could pinch the heck out of them! OUCH!!! Not me, though! I was properly attired in the color of the day. I was bombarded by requests exclaiming; "Kiss me! I'm Irish!" Which quickly became, "Kiss me! I'm NOT Irish!" after they were reminded of their Italian heritage. Brian, or O'Brian as he was called for the day, took his attire quite seriously, as you can see! Meg was a bonnie lass, and happy to sport her "Irish" tee; and green just happens to be her FAV color! Imagine that!

WARNING!!! The following is devoid of adorable quips about the cute things that the munchkins in my life do and say! Don't say I didn't warn ya!

After work tonight I went to see my very dear and very Irish friend, Penny. We had a blast spending time with her family and old friends! Believe it or not, I did not partake in any adult beverages, not even a drop! I'm not a big "drinker"-except for maybe WATER! I drink that like a FISH! But I digress... (By the way...why am I using "big" words today? I think I'm coming down with something!) I may not have been drinking- but the drinks were a' flowing over at Pen's! She insists that her increased volume levels and excited chatter was a result of her being "tipsy". Sure, Pen, you were tipsy. I believe you, really I do. Oh, by the way, how are the Shamrocks this morning? That's what I thought. "You'll never get yer 'ands on me Lucky Charms!"

Well, that's all for today. I am EXHAUSTED! I have no clue what my problem is-maybe I kissed the Blarney Stone one too many times last night? I don't know, but I think I'm going to need the assistance of another beloved Irsh tradition to make it through tomorrow- the Irish Coffee!

Be Good and God bless!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very Cute and I am so very happy that you joined us. My loudness was maybe increased with a drink or two but did you forget I come from NY. Loud and obnoxious is a given LOL!!! The Shams are doing well and I aree on the new shirt, I'll let you work on that one. Thanks for being an awesome photographer, you made me look very good. Love ya girl!!! I am so thankful your in my life.