Thursday, August 28, 2008


I say this A LOT.  I've said it for so long and so often that I almost forget where I first heard it.  It's one of those things you pick up from the people you spend time around.  I have one person and one person only to thank for this expression: MEGHAN!  She used to say it ALL this time.  Somehow it wriggled its way into my head, and know I don't know where I'd be without it!  Thanks, Meg!  You are Too Funny! 

Someone once asked me what that meant.  What do you mean by what does it mean?  Isn't it obvious? Well, incase it isn't, it just means that whatever struck me as humorous was more than just funny, it was too funny.  Funny to the point of being dangerous.  Funny enough to make one snort, or maybe spew milk out their nose- if one were drinking milk at the time, that is.  Funny to the point that you are on the verge of embarrassing yourself and those around you.  Are you getting the picture?   I'll admit to overusing this little gem of a phrase.  In fact I may even be guilty of using it when something wasn't exactly "too funny".  For the most part, though, these two little words serve me very well.  If I were asked to describe my work environment in two words I would proudly proclaim: "Too Funny!"   Here a a few of the latest examples of my job possessing it's fair share of too funny moments...

My boss and her hubby, (OK- technically, he's my boss too, but she calls the shots!) both recently bought iPhones.  The kids are kinda infatuated with them.  They use them like walkie talkies, calling each other from the phones and then walking around the house.  Sometimes their even sitting in the same room!  A few Friday's ago Chris and Donna were home and Chris was outside with the kids tossing around the baseball and Donna was inside with the bigger kids and myself.  Donna's phone rang.  Celine was calling from just outside the front door:

Celine: Mom?  It's hot out here!

Donna: I know sweetie, that's why I'm in here!  Why are you calling me from Dad's phone when you're just on the other side of the door?

Celine: No, Mom, it's really hot out here!  I'm like, really sweaty!  And Dad's phone is really cool, and he said I could call you.

Donna: Ew.  Dad's phone is cool, but so is mine, their exactly the same.  It sounds like it's pretty hot out there.

Celine:  It is!  Can you feel me sweating?

Donna: No, honey, I can't feel you sweating.  The phone's not THAT good! 

Celine: Well, so you know, it looks like wetness, but it's sweat!


This week has been filled with such moments during our Religion classes.   First Brian was reading about the angels, how they are always in God's presence and how they sing Him glorious hmmmmms.  I was caught off guard, and had him point out the word he was trying to read.  It turns out it was hymns- Glorious hymns.  I guess they hum  when they don't know the words too!  See, you learn something new everyday!

Grant is insisting that God has a head.  A physical, floating head.  Why? Because according to him, no one can survive without one.  When I tried to remind him that God doesn't need a head, that He's GOD, Grant then became very concerned that God didn't have anyplace to keep His hair, and God is always pictured with hair.   So where does He put it?  I had to let this one go after a few minutes of arguing with him.  I restated the facts, but he knew I was on the verge of erupting in laughter so he kept egging me on.  I just dropped the conversation.  New topic.  It's the only thing that seems to work when he gets like this.  

John Paul has the sweetest nickname for me.  "Mellon-head".   (I'm being sarcastic about the sweet part)  He started calling me this years ago.  Why?  I have no idea.  He actually forgot about it, thank goodness, until recently.  Now the blasted thing is back with a vengeance.  This is one of those things I have to force myself to ignore.  If I laugh at this then it just encourages him, and believe me, he doesn't need any encouragement.  But you have to admit, it's pretty funny.

Monica, someone I don't mention too often here because she's one of the teenagers, and they have specifically requested to be omitted from the blog (but I'm gonna talk about her anyway),- so Monica has dubbed  herself the "Love Guru".  She has decided that it is her moral obligation to give Meg and I love advice.  She's actually quite good.  She says that our new mantra is "Get out of the box".  According to her we are stuck in a rut.  Wow.  I had no clue.  I'll get right on that!  Thanks for your expert advice, Mon.  Actually, since your giving out advice, could you point me in the direction of the nearest exit "out of the box"?  You're the best!  (I just hope she doesn't start charging for this advice.)  

JP and Grant washed my car yesterday.  They did a great job!  When I told them that they should consider starting up a business, the response was; "Why would we do that?  Then we'd have to work!  Plus Dad gives us money whenever we need it."  I have just one question..."Can Dad adopt me?"

Be good and God bless! 

P.S. Meghan, I thought of you as i composed this post, not because you play a major role it in, but because I put "myself" after everyone else when speaking of several people.  See, someone DOES listen when you teach JP and Grant grammar.  ME!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Fay, Fay, Go AWAY!!!

Day 2 of Fay:

Yesterday Fay came ashore for the third time.  She brought a lot of wind and rain, but not too scary in these parts.  I think the worst of the storm has been listening to the weather forecasts and all the damage Fay's done further south, then wondering when it would get that bad here.

The wind has been impressive, and the rain; torrential.  Just a few hours ago we had some serious tornado scares.  There were several not far from us, and
 one came so close we shut the cats up in the downstairs bathroom because we thought we would need to get in there QUICK.  That was pretty unnerving, and I had to do somethi
ng to calm my nerves.  So I baked.  I'm not sure why.  I think that the storm blew my taste buds around or something.  I REALLY wanted cake, and I wasn't going out to get one.  So I made one.  I call it the "Go Away Fay Day Cake".  It's strawberry cake with chocolate icing  and strawberry filling.  After finishing it I think it looks like a giant mess of poo.  I let you decide for yourself: 

I actually went to work yesterday, and came home when the weather looked like it was getting nastier.   While I was at work I took a video of the storm, there's not much to see.  But when I got home the wind picked up and a neighbor went outside with a really cool kite and I couldn't resist taking some pictures and video.  It's shaped like a ship with beautiful blue and white sails.  

With the weather as unpredictable as it is, we've been keeping a close eye (and ear) on the EAS alerts.  I even went and bought a Weather Alert radio.  It's great.  Especially when it goes off in the middle of the night and gives you heart failure because you think a tornado is barreling down on you.  The fun part is when you shut off the alarm to listen to the warning, only to learn that it's the SAME tropical storm wind warning that you've known about for days now.  I haven't had a decent night's sleep in days, but I'd rather be waling around like a zombie with dark circles that send small children screaming and fleeing from my presence, rather than die in a furry of rotating wind and hail.  Have I mentioned that I'm not a big fan of tornadoes?  Well.  I'm not.

Please keep the other people still in the path of Fay in your prayers.  She's a doozy of a lady!

Be good and God bless!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Fay is on her WAY!! ...

...So, stay away from the bay for the day.  OK?  I know, you're probably saying, "LORD, make her stop!  I PRAY!!!"  LOL! I done, I promise... I'll explain this nonsensical outburst later in the post!  Meanwhile: 

Batten down the hatches!  Board up the windows!  Stock up on agua and batteries!  Call in the National Guard!  And shiver me timbers!  Oh, wait.  That's not one of those orders one shouts when preparing for a HURRICANE!!  Holy cow!  This little lady is taking her sweet time moving across our state.  I think she's trying to decide between going to Disney or Universal Studios.  Then there's talk that she'll like her stay in FL SO MUCH that she'll turn right around and head West back across the state!  Even then, some meteorological models (wow! Did I really just say that?) have her going back out into the Gulf and turning North and hitting FL AGAIN in the panhandle!  Man this storm is persistent, if nothing else!

Now I've lived through many a storm, (um... just read my LAST post!) but this will be my first hurricane since moving to the beach.  Interestingly enough, this will also be the first storm to hit Jacksonville head-on in many, many years!  (Provided Fay does turn back and bite us in the boo-ta-tay.)  Regardless, Yvette and I are pretty prepared.  Keep in mind, I'm NOT stupid, and I'm NOT a thrill seeker.  So: if the going gets tough, then the "tough" is going home to Mommy! (and Daddy, he's the one with the generator and all!  A FL girl can't live without her AC!  LOL!)  Never fear, readers, I will be safe come heck or high waters (and the waters are supposed to be rising quite a bit!)  I'm sure once the wind dies down, and the waters recede, we will all see that FL is still here and so will we be!  

I do think that the low barometric pressure is getting to me, though!  (Again with the weather speak??)  While Yvette and I were out scampering around for last minute emergency supplies I had what can only be described as a mental breakdown.  For some reason, while in the midst of our mundane conversation, I started speaking in rhymes. (Refer back to the beginning of the post.)  It just so happens that all the words rhymed with "FAY".  For some reason this struck my roomie and I as especially funny, and we were laughing so hard we were crying (That's nothing new around here.  Lots of hysterics on a regular basis.)  To top it all off- my normally easy going roommate, who puts up with all my antics says, "ENOUGH!  OK?"  Well, to state the obvious, "OK" does indeed rhyme with "Fay".  This set us off on another round of gut splitting laughter.  

Once we had composed ourselves, we proceeded to Home Depot to get some batteries and other goodies.  While we're on the topic of batteries, (if we weren't before, then we are now! LOL!)   Tell me if you have ever wondered if the whole battery industry is a racket??!  Why are the little suckers so darn EX-PEN-SIVE???  Plus you spend all this money on them, and they don't last a week!  No wonder that little pink bunny, has all that energy and can afford such COOL shades!  He's got all of America's hard earned cash!  OK, my rant is over.  

I'm gonna go get what might be my last night of peaceful, AC cooled sleep.  Pray for those whom Fay has already lay victim to, and please pray for us who have yet to meet her.  We are praying right along with you.   

God bless, and in light of the coming storm:  be safe!


Monday, August 18, 2008

If a tree falls in the Williemas Yard...

Sorry this has taken so long to post.  There is a reason, a stupid one, but there is one, none the less.  See I started this post LAST week, but I think I got too creative.  I started writing this involved descriptive post.  It was very interesting, if I do say so myself.  The problem was that it totally didn't sound like my blog at all.  So I've opted to abandon the idea and just tell you what it was supposed to be about.  Here it goes...

If a tress falls in the Williemas yard, and there's no munchkins around to hear it; does it still make a sound??

Last week, I think it was Wednesday, we had a pretty fierce Florida storm.  Tons of wind and rain.  That's really nothing new, it's been doing this everyday for a few days now.  But apparently this was particularly strong.  There was this old palm tree in the Williemas' yard.  This thing was TALL!  Probably around 400 feet!  Just kidding!  I was testing to see if you people REALLY pay attention to what I write, geesh!  It was more like 60 feet tall, still, that's pretty darn tall.  This tree had been bugging Chris for a while now, and we were all starting to worry with us in the midst of hurricane season, that this pesky palm tree might blow over and hit the house or fall on the pool deck- crushing the fence in the process.   Chris had even hired a tree removal company to take the tree down.  The company come out with their truck, tools, and tree removal dudes, but when they left the tree was still standing.  Still standing???  Well you see, it seems that it's morally negligent to cut down a dead tree that has THREE families of Woodpeckers raising babies in it's trunk!   Of course we already knew that it was wrong to whack down a tree with bitty baby birdies in it, we just didn't know that there was babies in it to begin with!   Well that was a few weeks ago, and Chris has been waiting for those little critters to leave the nest, literally, so he could finally get rid of that tree.  

It was a really nasty day, it rained so hard and the trees were bending over from the force of the wind.  The weather forecaster said that there had been hurricane force winds.  Apparently so- because while we were sitting in the family room there was a giant gust of wind and a blur of white flashed passed the window.  We had thought it was the shade umbrella, and that it had been swept up by the wind and chucked over the fence.  But it was actually the old dead palm tree!  When the storm let up a little the boys and I ventured out to get a closer look...

I told you it was tall.  It practically stretches half way across the lake!  Grant thought he'd take the time to pose with the palm.  I believe he has a future as one of the following career choices:
A). A logger
B). The new face of Captain Jack Morgan
C). The youngest person to climb the highest tippy top tip of a really big mountain. (Doesn't he look like an adventurer?)

Oh, and we found one of the nests from the woodpeckers....

If any of the kids ask, YES the babies HAD already flown away and they are all safe and happily living their little birdie lives. (I assume this is the case, I need for it to be true as much as the kids do!  Poor wittle birdies!)  It was a big nest for such little animals.  

The tree is still there.  Half in the water and half out.  It's become a reef of sort.  All the local turtles climb up and hang out sunning themselves all day, and the big sea birds love it too.  By the way- we were informed on Friday that there is a new resident on the lake.  A five foot gator.  Not for long, though, their sending out a animal wrangler to remove it.  I just hope that I don't look out the window between now and then and see a prehistoric monster hanging out there with the turtles and the birds!!!

Be good, and God bless!! 

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Back to basics...

Before I begin, I feel the need to share with you all that I am writing this post on my NEW MAC!  I'm in love.  I have a few things to figure out still, but it's like riding a bike, it all comes back to you eventually!  Here's a picture ( or two) of my new love!

Well, here we are.  How is it that we already find ourselves in AUGUST???  Yesterday we started back to school.  Last week was one of planning and organizing to get ready for this year.  The kids had mixed feelings about school starting up again,  but by Friday, they were more than ready to be back in the classroom.  

Even with just one day back in the classroom, I have already amassed some funny kids sayings!  I'm beginning to think it has something to do with this room.  Maybe it's just the fact that we are in such close quarters for an extended amount of time.  Otherwise they'd be spread out all over the house, saying their funny little things and no one to hear them!

I can't remember if I've told yous guys about the bog that my sister started.  If so, then skip down to the next paragraph, otherwise keep reading!  My favorite (my ONLY) sister has started her own blog.  Her husband is in the National Guard and is presently away at training.  She started her blog in order to keep him up to date on the goings on back at home.  Isn't there a saying that claims: " Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery"?  Well if that is true then I am wholly flattered!  Not only has she decided to follow in my "blog steps", but she designed her blog to look VERY similar to my own!  She always did want everything I had!  I thought that she might have grown out of that, but apparently not.  LOL!  I'm only kidding, of course.  I am so happy that she's blogging.  She's a pretty sharp cookie, and has some funny stories to share of her own.  I'll post a link to her blog along the side of my posts, in case you want to check it out.

Um- I think I need to clarify a few things here.  It seems that my last post had some interesting responses.  Just so we all understand, the whole thing about me being "desperate" was a JOKE!  Neither Meghan nor myself are desperate in any way shape or form!  While we deeply desire to be married and have families, we know that God has us in this place at this time for a reason.  We also know that our desire is strong because it comes from Him, and that He will fulfill that desire in His time.   So, in closing- we do want hubbies, but we're not chomping at the bit for them.  Ok- I am, kinda.  Not really.  Ha!  Ha!

Finally, I will tempt you with a bit of whit I have planned for the next post.  With all the goofiness flying around here, that has to be the subject of my next entry.  So here's a taste of the madness:

We recently went to a movie, and there was a  poster for the new "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, 2" movie.  On it the girls are all dressed very smartly, all in very cute dresses.  Grant, quite randomly, I must add, blurts out as we walk by, "Why is it even called "Pants" if they aren't wearing any?"  That is the question of all questions, Grant.  "Why?", indeed!

Be good and God bless!